Video 3
Discourse on the Bhagavad Gita by Swami Atmapriyananda - Part Three of Three
Oh young tom hollander dramatist and when did it JS to leave nearly song double extra oven career-high ambience armada carnival peter develop a level sufficient IAM yogino yes young vulnerable suit us right now da Wyeth Elena maja my salutations of Supreme Being who from Havana in car and drive modified acquaintance whom silver salmon plays by chanting the Vedas with all the complimentary part sections in operations will be opens intuitive mind cultivated in meditation hundreds limit later the host of diverse progressive oh no so we continue from where we left off before lunch the karmayoga of the Gita karma yoga means house of country or farm work as a means to the regulation supreme yoga is organization supreme beings as I think yoga the Samadhi of complexion are you guys to join what individual being with the collective be a question of race as well the end of the bargain session yogah karmasu kaushalam the statement will develop Gita Yoga is the skillfulness will work for the dexterity in work what kind of fixes disease is it will be a great profit all this will make you more famous or does it make you in a competitive world to excel so that externally by which will be able cannot get caught by it should hold problem in lines some with the Geetha is for the most immaculate ex you can't live without work the Geezer speaks about it any description are we gotta skip the chemicals why because with a very nature of your existence you will be forced to work you have to live when pleased and happy of being now work always little knowledge why did I do not want to fight as you know realize that work always brings bondage with it and therefore the easiest way to skip hundreds is not the work as long as make another fall in yourself you have to be acidic the easiest way to get rid of the headache is to cut off the head because you say I have a head you will have anything so I'm gonna rocket the solution and that's all give it a little simple argument to him he is asking as you know if the work of a baggage or Casper into the fruit sugar which is accounted for bondage which causing baggage since you can't escape word the two are commercialism one really you come out take it reduce work but you have to do something to work and whenever you the world will be in bondage we have to your contention there was no one is asking what we need with voltage I already get powned who is the I'm skateboard the I which craves for the results of work action I have compass and therefore I need the results the argument against that is we will observe this carefully why this is important for the modern age and why people cannot accept it so easily I do all the jobs flood the whole month and the end of the month somebody get this chicken walks away what's my family oh yes sincerely now I did the work and he got be salvaged or is it look this is what we're going to just look at that you do almost Ameritech to the desertion Oh which the Lord who takes away their give me the log it's not lava I will give it to him but he can take it like that what's an offset I did it for you you can do it you mistakenly thought that you did it but I made you do it I'll let you things check in the Veda taxes so you'll be honest about you take the check as you hear income tax will be the person that will be away at solar plexus going to be the same here also you shall pay the tax and what little remains I'll enjoy since you may do that but once again will be part in the circular cyclic work so the easiest is you know the locker work he will take this check and as well as plain text box so you need simply the car so the blue intestine the law breakers attention that he record a work which binds not the Karma which is the copper bondage it is the attachment with al-majalah attachment to the freakshow workers in the cause of bondage one and the feeling that the agency of work is the cause of bondage I do this I did it and they saw you expect a robot or yes better back in the back or we expect that you should be recognized for the kind of work we have done so but involve is an expectation with the interval so Shri Krishna says you see can work without the idea expecting anything of your work give us a sense of agency stroke or kill the attachment recruits a lot you lovely in bondage the question is when I did the work I love the hotel connects I did not do the worse the log on the desk do we do anything at all world you are flipping and listening it is nature witches capacitating you to be able to listen nature giving you the capacity by which you'll hear it open and the whole gentle is a little paper plate and the other healthy body this is obviously mindful and therefore your solutions fears many child is not cooperate in you it without ultrafiltration the rock interaction with are made via the Gabrielle did not cooperate you would definitely not able to this is going to expand so if you look very carefully you are not to be credited a mysterious or anything that you do suppose your finest and it will work in a laboratory you put all the chemicals and allow things to grow some reactions to take place ah you will be credited some reaction is that the Glaser uncredited reactions to play the nature's loss and you only knew how to assimilate that but I did it intellectual property rights difficult ending the rest I discover to the latencies in dl6 very funny to us because we have abated everything unfortunately even deliberation rebels he loves to mockery and what in his soul away his paper it is not proven and generation delusional delighted that it is maybe very saintly character because knowledge is free knowledge from Bill Clinton now it can be copyrighted what would who copied into the vehicle Suika second son says you can't bill doesn't copyright this is Java copyright a sequence of original ticket right now the whole idea of copyright is so funny there's weeds in our interactive hours somebody gives you the intelligence when is to be able to do it so there in time the computer brain teaching in a very simple language the entire copyright clicking voice in laws so he is he is older he is the creator of the copyright and sometimes he gives you some allowances so agency thing you can't really prove that I am the agent agrees but can you prove you how we think about the very scientific way any reason that you build the delivers the chemical intellectual spiritual whatever even someone else you perform we always say we should struggle and perform spiritual practices to be able to attain God and then God gives you the power to be able to do souther can you do it you can't flick on the floor for a few minutes after half an hour waste Bigler begin to ache so unless he gives you the power to be able the color I mean you can't even cover me so the spiritual people always say oh lord give me the power to be able to do Savannah so be strong in his legs he gives you the power he empowers you and therefore you know jump about since I'm gonna try the dutiful love eventually potato and I am General Hospital in there we got it so you boil them you see the water in their food there and the for boiling listen isn't about with the full-blown status let's cap individual they fancy Oh in the remote a fire how the tapping gun so in exactly the same way all of those things we are talking about we are talking or Swami your talk was over and the Samba things I'd done something great not saying you fool it is not real talk he gave the power to talk he gave his right hand understanding and done some sensible decent understanding language at your speed which it would appreciate you have no credit for anything in this universe so all the prizes and awards that we will have no meaning at all in the sense that in the world anyway you have to do anything we write books and put our names author of a source of water is what the greatest books of the world of nameless Jesus the Christ is not copyright the Bible and bhagavad-gita was accommodated by the money so you are not religion there any any work we want to since you are not the agent you have a religion salute salute you I did not do the work where should you be we claim the fruits of work so if you give up the future work giving up the fruits of what result is now it appears as if the fruits over the mind I take this and give it to God so see Rama - our promise - who is also innocent in this number the gas has a our mighty work I got the fruits a lot come on I give it to you then outfit is they do go to your father Sultan is way of doing this now the modern way the banking all my FAFSA so once upon a time we use will see the cheque and then deposit we lot of those organizations and so on now you don't have to do it then give believe we've got an RTG SMS NES key and all that in in India you have a claim so it's wrong when cancer whatever work that you do whatever fruits accumulate then there is almond transfer to be locked and circular so at any kind of pain your bank account is empty just get an emptiness of your bank account in the nothing is credited as the fruit of your work is called a realization realization of God complaining didn't we find that will guarantee because I simply they come in person go in the path of knowledge gala they have hard with a fairly calm and its online concert in the Bible says even if you try to start a little we say it's not easy it's very difficult I did something good should ii lose it all since it's very difficult for the bengals accept and appreciate that is to say a piss kind but what is the profit of ego insulted hopefully the quarter you know logically decided but still you see some people should wear it when they have another one thing on it you try the little used to the extent you succeed to that exceed the other it the create conception difficulty that sort of kisses emulsifier a month ago they are can you get that work sometime of crystals are multiplied tables over a third chapter you also have to doubt the reggae humor Booya Shaka excellent absolute zero pure açaĂ nam even the little of this work getting incidents of workers so come up this will help us see even a small amount of this there is a second chapter xlviii words 240 he says the great concessions is a lot of guilt because the llama becomes is extremely compassionate she knows her weaknesses he knows organizations but their whole he doesn't ask so much throughout the show said try to do something I have done the the 99% of the job I have done test one person to contribute and we being the laziest of the lot if they will be able to proceed also thou shalt since I have done this whole thing the plate is various to the food you say we don't experiment even as it was said you are the salt he learned that block can make it live but the difficulty is you will not enjoy the charm of it some of them are the last ones long as you have the spiritual power consoled by a taxon arranged by establish given the highest elevations of monitor and can but you will lose the joy of circuit charge of suckers and spiritually something is totally she's troubled and in the head you get it can you feel are in since then things come to cheese you don't get the joy so the quran saysö found a certain emotion even the little practice of this try they the hood OVR muhammad by a supreme fear or pain fear fear of death i go to die something just you can take it just imagine we have some more things that won't find that little things because you will just enter it so the source of instructional can you buy now not physically but tight all the cumulation which you have can you guide your bank balance your relationships all accumulated besides that you have that there's not won't happen till you die do it now practice Titan to all your criminal to the point which means they refined you feelin T so the whole thing which you have simply pop song playing for some it is currently same dutifully so Wilcox will get in like so many things ourselves pass on all the facts of insulin the insulin will great shock absorber so you pop on the cuff line so that I can take it to take it and they're not is waiting the dog house and then it sucks all campaign season in happy because he did try to take the whole thing on him so Tom up this is number see the true factors of this coyote protects you from create fear multiple great fear is the fear of death the example which I always think of the bottom backing can now see in Julius II rocket interest of for in business you know and you very good that a little one person to person and the house invested point for the next moment what we what the highest is payback time beyond seven times maybe one point only so in in the earth so heavy investments of three four years with a rate person sometimes exceeding you have a tiny box I mean it used to be ten multiple time now they are they going to pass that notes where you can have some to exchange a 504 million cap immediately I saw it's done so see once again once I saw though it's not only a physical business carbureted so immediately I realized how big antic so this is something you should practice very easy to practice the thing that you see the weather the newspaper girl use how do you think you have anything with you what did I don't recognize us you know we talked about the value of the currency dot 1000 rupees Indian Spy something some way the Government of India is user notification from tomorrow please those are invalid or be habit what is usually something that means anything which is a value which is changeable is dependent on space and time today decided to model rather I have five thousand rupees in my pockets and they go to a shop in America and not have it so in a different place they are not lying in a different kind in there not right so space-time dependency or value is something which is involved so you're asking is there any value which is space-time independent we covered Asia and collar they shall place kala is time so space-time independent value is the value of your own self you know higher cells we call the optimum you can start spacing independent the bodies and minds of states independent we depend on the climate to put it in food now the matching language whatever investment you have soaking up the cells almost here we're going to in this way if you don't have a bank account we have a minimum balance here so once again hands or pens here charge you a monthly fee you have a customer back on the blue team unless some five dollars saved others recently in my day in India has certain back you can start at only zero balance and what you truly invested isn't there and the bucket leave it on the counter at issue at the bank you know one of these later the gist incident if the signs are there you're inside the mountain list this is what reflects links all collapses and multiply them all the way up and it's all online anything that you put there you get infinitely water because they're not is so compassionate oh just a little not much are you doing the facility I have immediately reduce my busy robot but don't jump about I did this even that he doesn't mind it gives you a lock on your resolution and the delay like that you can really do it and it's always safer to leave it to the law getting away until is fully this is one Bible great saint of the southern part of India kabanomachi years ago do Guatemala regime one person of family the Clayton and is having a huge leg is insane I terrible pain in the handle is shaking so we're going to carry the living in the head you see I told my wife not they did so much and Leggett could why can we put you the clean no expand like a chocolate honey is a clean which is carrying you and carry all that is also take it in this is what we do all caramel we want to have take them out sense the Lord of karma I want carry all the boxes I have come to carry your karma come on give it to me you get down with the radio station and there's a lot of that eat you don't know they're looking for some people to carry something cook event balls up here so yeah I help you are you so we are real company now we can agree with luggage for me for free on campus no sir straight or the name of the company so it used to be called multiple time Jesus Christ company then begin the book for company they take a little couples at all certainly weeks of free because we want to liberate people from darkness of ignorance the wise being being minimum or sensitive to a spiritual level umbilicus the wife says I think what went right husband fool anybody beliefs are free that some chickens carry arrogance it's what we have been foolish the large Saints the roundish a company in huge network all over the world and whatever the society is impossible to really take all your lord and then we come and claim you can ignore O Lord our God s the Lord says I open this company just for your sake and it's all free so focus of the book of life he wrote over em you can say later on leave it to me and if you think of me constantly I will carry if you think that you need myself under the asked and I am Tomas be written out for your body become the key of Istanbul I'm young that is like that that is there so somebody who thinks of me constantly Anini Hassan they in demography the particular nucleus so I carry all that he needs myself the Sasori about this Google shame of mahagony means I carry was a great Saint where it's not a saint who did that he came inside oh he's the model servant he was carried using she will send somebody to count he's a lot of the universe's for a for a human why somebody will be able to canvass so he changed it at madami Rama's I give it Mohammed I actually physically carry anyways forgot and his life is cooking some things are missing she was looking for some vegetables and Seventeen's ago had they take two balls came one is slightly beliefs that was right say India carries over into the book of materials equivalent sent you the chain rule in husband descendants is in coming for you she was so happy suddenly she notice that one of the parts will look slightly bluish kind of car Alex head then that was losing out who said who you like as you earth it's your husband who's techne perfectly then they went away then without God came back it you swindle which my concern is already the bluest small was see Krishna and the same water barometer Krishna but we should indeed my didn't beat anybody neither your life he cut out the light yogurt shame on bhajami he cut out in carrying the dummy so the Lord said the big car are important he literally means this number we think they're all electronically think they are already majorly particularity to doctor we have seen committed as less leader of Swami he says a lot literally means this he actually comes and does it for you and he didn't do it or his attention the syllabus for us he will do it was for you and me she do not even ordinary devotees we are are in repeatin we have gathered the feet of god of the sea doesn't bring in sued american weeks the american people sue every believer everything this is not very place would give us at this lamp Rafa Rafa Schott says Oh mother you have seen the covenant with me that he shall save me and now you've been going back in your world and I have the document signed by both of us with the Sheila's seal and I go to the law Baha'u'llah Shiva it is called again fellow suit against you she married all Edith Schiele mihari Katie says i cool a Haven a leash Corvo nothing and calling a decree no mo oh I know the document signed by both of us and with the see that she is hot now you take it out with them soon decoder schewe one hearing I'll take an intention against you what is me that is the power then says Omaha don't push me too far be careful bye Kamini nice possible channels in Jerusalem breaking news mother and son fighting the court and he says mother and son fighting in the court my apoyo become tomorrow to move around prasada bully the opposite a mother and son are hiding in the corners of the breaking news and you'll get so much bad name why do you push me too far wouldn't be save me okay so these are the sentiments of the devotee the differently seems and not as promised and there's a lot as promised I shall go back in his word so sound travels are favors lukayla second shot the dealer haters does worse live yours appears to be mind I said that hey my name do they say the girl I was looking I listened to the whole thing I'm going back to the wall you can't so this lady she's an armed camp actually even kill children that means silat will be your luck he goes in weaknesses but he wants to be sincere you believe the gospel around Krishna what is that which strikes you most what does the law want to see you he says cry to God pray to God solitude the only thing you want to fulfill are you sincere he says even by mistake he goes with our thoughts they are sincere somebody will come and tell you this is not the path will this way that the GPS sometimes we make mistake and they're bored with our path difference will say oh now come on take a u-turn take a huge film add immediate fix it you can Amin's go back to your own source they have been going too far the path of exceptional no come on current world take a u-turn so the GPS will constantly can give it to me that fast so calm obvious of emesis fire table is all they are and if karma yoga is allowed is reaching here third capital for chapter there's no fear of it a loss you begin your karma suppose the heavier vistit then when you lose it look we know what will you do that much yo get this is how it flexes the parties of the puzzle in India earlier trends these are fixed deposits and for three years five years suppose you need some money to the top of money Midway then we lose all interest now they have a new way of thanking you will pro rata basis whatever your deposit back but forget the loss is what little you lose access to busybox or some of this you're tried in although they are the discs are Neoga is for is based as I said either in bhakti devotion to the Lord God the heart is doing everything in your business he is using her body in your mind your could be incorrect and incomplete he is using all that the hundred things which are trying to do so the property rights from the intellect it's a class you have no right over anything at all so the Lord has the rights over your body and mind and if you can even realize this for a moment this are very difficult so what is flat the as a practice what is being prescribed some a brahmana faces this solid begin the work you go out with a lot of a lot I am going to begin this work I am beginning the daily work you should empower me you should follow in the right direction you restrict and where happened idly suppose you might start again you should be in intellect and what the right word I synthesis will be able to tell them is not alert so constantly remind you about in the midst of work normal then stop for a moment and try to feel within all we were ideas and thoughts all your accomplishment all things that you performed all of them are accomplished and talked about with a lot setting in your heart so number then in which political website is healing at the end of work the solving that the whole think of a lot I have tried to do my best now the rest is yours so this kind of practice after some time out a few months or a years one seen you will see you can't learn anything suppose somebody says oh you got excellent lecture for what it is you're after Booker you will never feel elated because if you are you and elevated the Lord made redundant for the sake of the external appearance here to say compiled base also authored resort fermion words only so you can't say all books will make a lot suppose they say all the books of the world who is the author they go to library the other critics wrong this will intentionally all the books are offered only by God which is true but in one of the poorer ones you have to say this is been offered this also draw so you sit like a practice business will not feel elated this I'm going to take socio for the good job with Afghans and we you must take the quest for a job which others feel you are not done we're doing again it Morgan the silver guru Gita some of this rather than politician taking up see remember these are has four important pillars one I write it down yes we discussed elaborately non-attachment in the clinical inertia equality illusion Oh [Music] anunciacion of iron mine Milman horn honking honk ara is I mamakara ill - so when you realize that the August way everything as you have no credit or discredit you will not be elated for about place and not be depressed by blames this from the beginning the end he talks about this not prefer shade Priam dropped with a prop get up really terrible terrible more Rumble Rumble etc with chapter dozen in the fifth chapter in 520 and you picked it up plea on prop we are getting something which is doesn't not producer shakily listening fully situated in the alternate straight holy is the spiritual intelligence avoid collusion one realized in the alternative that rejoices obtaining the marginal normal ends when obtaining unfavorable so this is the comeup cup of tea so how does it happen it happens because the owner responsible for losing good for something you can can perhaps dramatically pocket the Gita way of being irresponsible within coat why am I responsible for what happens but I I did my best you should be clear about I have done my best such by your low voice happened so you will not be elated a symbolic relationship with a good job done or somebody's brain shields are back from the confi of the bad job so you pass it on the lot o lot the credit bureaus take it hold on the descriptors is it take now the Lord is actually unconcerned yes so he says pre improper giving something which is pleasant don't rejoice didn't something his samples and don't be depressed it's a previous work 19 from this come to save us is this bomber came to you then what what happens you will go home is home from mother smart the money tasted aha later 1914 those whose minds are situated in finality they conquered this room in his very life since they are endowed with equal vision of the ultimate truth and free from all dualities they are situated the ultimate truth even just immediately competitive solid full of others life's all religious how do they spoke about not finding fault with others then all the famous statement relax different if you want to peace my child don't find fault with others one this chill person said I will find fault I don't need this if you want to find it be so the second T is human it want these but you are not seeking peace with many intuitive people's their very presence will radiate peace lessness so the Dalton was home from her Wilma did not find fault though shovels fault the only thing which is absolutely false love children but therefore is a tourist in Roman in a charm samia's cattle mara salya is single equality when point still that because you know that land in the modern language they say you have no stakes are training minute if you have taken it then will be stuck with someone drama the moment to objectives are you number of salmon sameness and braggadocio falseness and then they are established in from hon what importance phrase which assume a high bar behind a curtain that he died in two places this particular member if you go over telling people I know what the two verses 519 523 right have you whole you know the Russians by number remember is a couple of them so what one one Swami very mischievously said but the fact number should not go beyond 18 okay water heater 1980 baby and the second one preferably should be less than 20 don't say 15 2014 and only reduces he highlights is important we haven't here and now not postpartum realization at the time of death after death types of realized right this is one consolation which is usually given to us you try it cuddle colleague up and dog even if you can't attain anything in this life at the end of after death mod will come and take you to the inflatable someone may tell you this Sami what will happen to me to the end of how did nothing happen to you we can't how the song is already so don't believe in postpartum realization the desires of conditions repeat until you will have to do it now not tomorrow now at least hottie I have to her realization two minutes is more here we saw here and now he's a 595 23 both of them have these two words inhaler there's no more nor sugar together than heroin and the operation has a program not emotionally after it's here and now so here they'll give us solutions Omni accident mana the person will rest at the continuity here and now how will they be 70 Carmody will get service provided you don't want anything for you who tell me what the steps are like on this I have been attacked I have been wronged this was due to me it was not listen to me oh that book so wonderful a little I think Earl as also did it I did it so you feel I have been unjustly treated who tell me how this anger and unhappy resume and cover this I don't deserve this kind of treatment for you look at all this what we do in the day when the point is not we laugh at it but you should laughter did well miracle happens this one without the face but how would it be a kinder either figures well mothers you know tell me Swami you could poke to me why did quite like it and what do you mean don't tell me any more truth this is nobody on that contract release for what he has done and discredited somebody's all the pleasures of it'll reduce mine is what the world is running so the Gita says if you please welcome sing to the Lord the advantages more pathetic in the great booklet so we're going to try for a change my plea is it right for six months just as an attitude that's nothing is happening to us also so we'll use our attitude to come people who say recently sue Palmer the tenor face is shining with joy what happened nothing has happened I realized that I won't hold off on the whole thing together so he quality solar TT comes from the realization that the onion mine actually looks what you call iron mines only miss you kiss me think about what we desire there's no I which is probably locals of the eye you can locate there is the body of the Bible I is a cost and imaginary something which hooks on to wherever it gets our kids moving and create illusion the song and the mind is a feeling which comes along with the eye so the mother on face the from the beginning to the end little mama didn't untie the remember lack of the idea of mine near Anka I he go to the second chapter toward a very end but they to you second chapter the Lord gives peace to spiritual group of the optimum ended up with a varnish under a statement of July it suddenly depressed unhappy he didn't want to fight and this hand was shaking and whole skin is greater and he can't even stay let alone Aristotle from alienation even our mind is reeling then we hit is really like hunting expand this is just a tional job and focus on with the manova threw away his weapons and the simplest sad days had a shrew do not lecture on fear moving down imagine the plight of the greatest of warriors of all a the army general leading the army will be horrible to britain he chooses present another sack right we'll set up easily now what is the remedy for that reconstruction from the history of the Morgana up a Shankara find from the body Hannity talk to you he was overcome by grief yoga followed basil you feel more sugar more of a hard eat food whooping look who got warhead which are completely long and the only leg is it to the soma has the Africa this is the great renovation of the Indian douches you may try walking for kicks that's really the Vedanta is on the flight across with yoga because I'm going to say see Yoga is ok I see a point but the as long as you don't realize the body and the mind and the booty and your uncle are truly passing widths you will take them to the real all together your cut you make it all the leading powers from the Philippine but unless you realize your children got one in select a partial difficulty there is no chances of going beyond spot the suit isn't working at operation sukar and Shanti so Kyle joy shanties T's food is elated if you're if you're on Twitter of Lebanon ego both on you with a hearty come on come on becoming a lavash Indonesia the drums on discuss to be in a race on the market only rubbish and Athena his arms who come transferred only Teresa would be a person who is relieved to sell the a pollutant was hot she gets fees only such a person this super joy the lunar beam on the upon target a Ania then just go away which is the only way my list realizes itself and apart to evaluate the manner so the without the teachers you could delay all of the systems of passing this they are not unlimited they don't make it they exist but they're constantly changing the other thing was just changing can obvious one minute I'm having a temple a jar but it has to pass then the story of an existing bunker fluently a king the human is very relieved he said I want to have just a small sentence I will always keep it a living that will eternally be a source of inspiration for me nobody will give it that a ballistic mark and after talking I'll give you a small sentence what is that we shall also pass he look it son leader great honors victories then is about the jump about handle to the celebration look at the ring wait this shall so suddenly got terrible saw so much of deceit and pity medieval sword will be this will also pass nothing in the world remains prominent so when people come and tell us if you so depressed when I tell you the details over mr. Wigglesworth company or should I do we had a new book the Buddhist conventions and the saga piece that I live some years ago and he forty Tocqueville said saw me it's so much discounted meditation master dollars go over it is loving bad or come out attack me what did I do this so yes a little bit become and go you need to say act off the look whatever wait what is today there is 9th of November 2016 along yes I did get the symbols have come a forbidden you will read it Israeli yes if you meditate in the rain thunder not 2013 2014 2015 yes I did can you tell me what kind of thoughts Kevin will serve you 2015 ha can I remember this also you know what we can't remember when you only want it you remember what the students have killed you in 2015 or 14 or 15 they come and go physically is you know we increment parties I just give up from all this troubles you come come on and fight you don't know anything listen come and look so the keys are phase we take of its authority sometimes they would let them come and go so a lot of the partition also pass it would be the continued trip a passing phase the only thing which remains someone it is a happen or the higher self oops I am NOT to see the Sun you see the imagination is nothing just that will scriptures know there is approves given mathematics called the detect show add absurd so the method the Greek knowledge logisitics posix the logical way of thinking the logic is suppose you are asked to prove it here what you do is take the opposite to be true then go on arguing finally you see end up with an absurdity then the opposite is taken clue leaves you the absolute absurdity and they thought the theorem should be true these are accepted what we can prove in it azmorigan theorem suppose you say I don't know Gotham is threw up an excess of the real thing etc you don't have to believe that it was shown the after doesn't exist but I'm sure there is nothing permanent or the consequence I get only in the morning very some period is like ISIL has no meaning and there is something changing something this government and therefore suppose you'll say that might not have any meaning so on if life has no meaning than all of those we can write that the school of psychology which is based upon the carpet that man meaning cking creature is very seeks meaning in life for anything that you feel what the meaning of this suppose you did there's no meaning in what we do and live it love it I better get some money our second complains or you get something out of it if there's no meaning in life at all the light is called logotherapy that one cycle Victor cycle was responsible for this he found on in a concentration camp with thousands of Jews a massacre people still article this he says we should still be active into life no see what should my desolate so they are cooking for something which in if they find meaning you see feels like a blue meaning life you'll die either going suicide or if we can find of course you say alright that it happened asked earlier I am not given to nobody want to become mad people want to live a say my sanity comes to you from the feeling that is something for which life is worth living you can do something something oh my children are gay right buffoon that is very good videos of them so well that they grow up there only for them someday children there is something for something you live so this is because we have taken of this orange along with the name of Slavic Allah how we transform our profession here some of these ideas you can spread with the system is place for weapons against already for some student and if you if you lose that then they will die so life has to have a meaning so which you should have some people to learn change and unchanging substance if it exists and it has to that unchanging substance should be infinite why because it is highlight will be changing in a finite entity will they condition to my space and time this room has the Spotted space because there are four walls on the outside those conditioned by spirits 1000 it is not something the government in their defects all the little Valley from tomorrow time yesterday goes on today about that it in time it doesn't islet changes so illusion which is unchanging is change means change in time and in space unchanging means that it is not conditioned to by demonstration that which is unconditioned about time and space have to be insolent agree is it a business on that it has to be one why because if it is true there are two infinities one wrong limit the other voice will become finer this will solve it is ultimate one in somebody will come on factors of M infinity both a bewilderment right so in one changing attack the insolent the word inside it has to be one if it is to be one is not giving me there can't be infinite and me that means a little that infinite has to be me and therefore I am let's apprenticeship from us a customer see the soccer maha vaakya great sayings the Vedas diversions the view all pattinson itself and there is nothing about to be length I really were to zoom and you are they all of the sitting here are made of projections think of the charset think of the joy of embracing the entire universe as your own self and this is the social morality just want to eat the teachers mean Gita says art mover mirrors are look there someone partially old Jinnah so come by David Cone Fiocchi or chapter chapter six separating up over me referred to as a number shitty on July 6th chapter 32 see look at me see losses sathi 31 and 32 15 29,000 39 6 sudden of golda's Tamar Maranzano buddha-nature art Murray each today we've got other people innings one perfectly realized and two exactly the signs on uniting individual consciousness with the ultimate consciousness identifying with these consciousness everywhere and everything precedes perceives the realized self join in all living entities and all the entities in the realized out sama Dakshina the sum of total da is telling you further the Buddha's come at bottom he sees the entire universe of beings in himself and Hartman E federal system admin server Bhutan chart money he sees all the being to insert himself in all beings that means he sees the identity of the entire deliver to himself even in southern China if you can see melody call enough resolution and he says you amount machetes and what about the Lord who sees the Lord and it will be and it will be in the Lord he is protected with the Lord and sort of a Buddhist Kitamura modulated from a serie established and one less he worshiped a lot there's a very interesting statement Peggotty worshiping the Lord he got too much to the heart established to legia unity Salam Elisha says objecting garroted in design Chicago there is a lot of advaitha in the cover of your clock and then go about doing what you like that means the revision of even worship of the Lord should be distant non-duality I am them out of one ladle same consciousness and you worship the Lord established in this and such a such a person whatever he may be wherever he may be that yogi is in me then 30 second very very interesting art more than males are about to remember should be original the person who sees all beings of his own self so build within this because if I hurt you I'm hurting myself teachers children this is a very very important idea children keep asking why should I be modern I should not tell the untruth why should not cheat that son of my friend she got very high marks by cheating the examination like a fool i listened to your teachings and then got no marks or students always kill me this your spine was totally your later here not there so the answer is if I hurt you I'm cutting myself because I and you are the same suppose you say why not hurt myself please go ahead there's no answer to this nobody wants to hurt himself a person so high being this all-pervading infinite entity and all of you being included in me by hurting you I'm hurting myself some way they kinda pointed out this Advaitic position is the basis of all ethics and morality so in sex and morality is not enforced by religion impossible Commandments or god imposed by any book imposed by any teacher a sexual morality flow naturally is a consequence of the vision of sameness of the economy t in which you see yourself spread everywhere so this is the idea of sameness which flows from the second chapter Arjuna is given at sorrow teaching and the indestructibility and the infinitude of the art one how many verses are there he asserts there is an admin in you which is beyond the senses beyond the body and the mind unconditioned supreme naanum children the South Carolina Mahadeva vaca okay I am clay the NTR poor soul Fayette America the fire doesn't build the Atman the water doesn't wetted the air doesn't write this is your supreme self and that you are and therefore o Arjuna I were worried that these people going to be killing nobody is killed and nobody is being killed but just like saying very interesting works is there you get a child that you're very happy this will be sweets to everybody chocolates I got a son isn't it wonderful he has child on you the way of the child slowly the child grows up they say in biology that every 12 year the entire self so the body has recreated when it's a so what the body the children are now have is not the body that you had 12 years ago you weep over it the child grows becomes a boy you don't hand the moments earlier said boy this child is dead then the boy is born and the boy grows up becomes another we run Chi Chi the boy is dead and adult is born with others because an old man is one cry and the adult is dead and the old man is born if you don't cry for this why do you claim the old man is dead a new child is again born same logic yay he knows Minya today hey Kumar I'm Johan injera patada honda pilot ogod 13 2006 after in this body you have so many stages you have childhood you have boyhood you ever run food yard old man old age so if you don't cry for every one of these why did you crave the old man passes away an old man passes away at the age of 19 it is same 90 years ago he was born let's say 1929 1930 at the age of 93 he passes away you don't say if you cry I had look then come and say oh why I'm very happy today the choice why I have a very old model car 1930 model somebody has knocked it away it gave me 2016 latest model what is that al-jalil silver gia what you have Avalon Avalon car so when somebody gives you an Avalon car 2016 model would you weep oh I got a new model car when 1930 model is gone you don't cry the 1930 mortal body is gone why do you crying ah my 1930 old model body is gone I have the latest 2016 model fresh body so if you are going to get it so these are arguments which Bhagwan gives in so many ways different kinds of arguments so is very time changes take place you wouldn't cry over it so this depth is only a change of your consciousness going to any body the encasing is different then old laptop somebody takes it away gives you fresh laptop do you cry over it my whole laptop is gone so my older body is God's a choice ah my whole body is gone then wallowed class with soya waived this clappers is a very old and throw it away get a fresh new cloths in exactly the same way the Atman which is society give Atma throws away the soul the body and takes on fresh bodies and he says Archana just think of this where were you whereas I before we were born will be this only a conjecture we don't know where we are you may imagine that we don't know what is God where we this is an unknown entity all that you can say logically I don't know we are unknown where will we go after this is also unknown unknown means unmanifested now we have manifested at that time it was not manifested in the beginning everything was a manifested in the middle it is manifested again is going back to a manifested then why do you weep over it object aadheenam who tani kept amok Johnny Bharata object an economy ever thought recovery davana 228 remember this very important work from somebody Accio I have not worried about it 228 because the beginning of result manifest again at the end it isn't manifest in the middle is manifested so don't worry about it but although repeatedly we're told this we realize it to some extent this could be true even logically motion only psychologically philosophically we accept that I think this sounds right and always in English you say yeah it sounds good as the language which people used here I think people use it very often I think they reached in time high founds going to sounded it is good anyway but that's the way people talk here shower Swami sounds good so it sounds good this admin and all that but we don't really feel it this happened is looked upon by some people as great wonder some people hear about it as great wonder all our people hear about it repeatedly alas nobody really knows it neither worse 2:29 read the meaning how do you recognize a person who has a study system suppose they claim you know I've already realize the supreme self how do you recognize me what are the signs by which he can be recognized it's a very tricky question because the realization is the spirit spiritual feeling doing something which is in South way because so some Vidya it is known by the person himself but they have a person by seeing and cannot really know it sorry say this is if a person gets alienation of God does he grow to Hans he remains the same but internally is a changed person even then Arjuna asks very practical question how does a man of realization walk how does he speak how does it sit even sitting as we call the body language how you sit how we walk how you speak every one of them has a meaning then the other one because pick up read galaxy Allah in the Bhagavad Gita second chapter 55 to 70 to a series of verses which are considered the core of the iana in bhagavad-gita Mahatma Gandhi the father of Indian nation was excessively fond doctors and the many centers great centers in France for example they chanted every day just like you change your that the mahaprabhu stayed in the mapper observers because whatever volunteers with it was inclined to buy schism quite a bit they say this forgive the Ghani so it depends on the head of the central who starts it so the essence of the whole thing here is Indra are into the archetype just a separate gap a biscuit are so many verses repeatedly say this verse number 61 in and well and verse number 58 the Shepherd gab he picked it up again because I mean he is a man of steady wisdom the Frieza man of realization cancelled is very simple all that you need to do the census should be completely withdrawn from the same subjects so simple just fine of them just high and now that all the census trouble of all the time for some people the tongue is a big problem they want to eat this and that but some people are not interested eating much they want to listen to good music now something will want to see all the time so you can find out which cancer cells has troubles you the most what is the common troublemaker dinner for everybody you know in these senses touch sense of touch sense of touch is something which is universally make creating trouble and interestingly all the other cells are also in a sense touch eyes when they see is also a touch the sensations from their past to the eyes and then I see the ear the sounds come on vibrate the touch nostril is also touch and the tongue of course you bye-bye see this by seeing something food he's gonna get excited when you put ah some more you all shouldn't take this you have very high to have a ticket and then see please don't take this fees I even want to take just a small piece just I think my uncle made a dose of insulin do you take this your flat see how the sensor for council drawing you and the sense of touch the skin touch just something which gives you a pleasant sensation or unpleasant sensation that is something which simply makes you mad whole world is mad with touch the side the bhagavad-gita in the fifth chapter has a series of verses and touch so I am a Ranganathan and I always used to talk about this be careful about touch in the Western contains the taxes or terrible people who simply go and push you hug you and through show their affection in peculiar if even here people have taught from childhood to be very careful about touch because you never know and then they say that even scientifically the fingertips you know and those of you have studied some math physics magnetism medical kingship lat always in corners in the tips they accumulate the principal lightning conductor for example you have sharp edges and the lightening is immediately drawn by that so they say the electrical impulses we generated in the body when you meditate when you think always accumulating the tips of the fingers that's why they say great men who want to bless they always touch with these they're singing and shaking hands this simply takes away lot of your spiritual energy you may look very strange for the people in the West shyamalan through Buddha Peter when he came to the West in San Francisco he banned it totally bid on it he banned shaking hands when women nobody should shake sensitivity that's of course for highly evolved results the unless you want to bless somebody don't usually as a matter of course who for touching anybody I'm not pontificating we get a teaching here you can refer to versus here in the Gita sit the chapter Martius per say she was at top of in that money at sukham sub brahma yoga yoga ma sucah McCrea emotional a 21-6 21 the reason was sorry 5:21 5:21 basha special effect Atma effect amend detached unattached passes parsha external touch window the art myriad sukham two kinds of touches are mentioned in the bhagavad-gita that the sinusoidal as this oneness in the reasons Persia the touch of the senses the other is Brahma Homs Persia the touch of Brahma is it is as it trade the rumble is trying to touch you how wonderful it will be Islamic Russia common touches you we are meditating suddenly Ramakrishna commit oh you're meditating my child puts his handed he did it to her in the recommended was above me so the Brahmin also gently touches you so seek the touch of Brahmin rather than the touch of the senses in the day at Maria to come the person who has completely given up the touch with external senses he rejoices within himself and you get the bling blister the admin to come a crayon a snow cave a chemist undecaying unchanging and diminishing bliss but the touch which you normally enjoy by touching somebody the sense of pleasure which we get that is usually limited why it comes and goes the next verse 22 he sums Parishad iboga Duke Aiona I a with a addendum on that Conte and a Rama be able to her some special job Booga the enjoyment which comes from through touch it is a source of all sorrow Duke Aiona yoga they are gentle ones that contain because it is beginning and end a wise man does not rejoice in this so he says then what should you do next to verse Gita fie 23 urema a person who can completely control his senses till the time and the body falls away in depth up to that time as a person can steadily control himself karmic growth ovum vegam the the energy which is now Rose within you through kama desire and crow the anger such a person who can control himself what happens to him so you Kazuki Nara her he is the wise man he is a yogi and he enjoys unlimitedness so this is the third point with the mentioning here self-control repeatedly the Geeta talks about this immediately go to the sixth chapter you will see sixty chapter six and seven these are very important for our daily life after some time nobody is going to guide you in the West particularly people are terribly dependent of their guru guru is going to pass away at some point time you will have to be detached on them at some point of time so develop the power to connect to the inner guru good very dark Mahna Mahna Mahna Mahna mama sada ate at my vice-captain oven good are favored to put up when I teach you as children this tell you a children you see up tier x we can give you protection after some time nobody is going to be with you to protect you raise yourself by yourself and never demean yourself there's a very very important thing not Varnum of asada ADA I was having to come taking you down see this precious human body and the human mind with God has given you don't behave like an animal don't demean yourself don't take yourself down and down and down what are the easiest way to do that think elevating thoughts fill yourself elevating thoughts which you feel upset about something read the Gita the operators or you sing songs you chant some how we connect yourself to some kind of elevating from you raise yourself or come holy company come to the ashram meditate or have a long walk and chant so by some means or the other try not to go down and down why because you are your own friend or you are your own enemy you decide am I going to be my friend or am I going to be enemy no point will blame anybody my son was so good just boys foiled him mean nobody spoils anybody you have to be your own friend you have the your own enemy you decide on that that at some point of time you are going to fight without any external heavy a key raise ourselves so this is who is the person who is one friend Gita six six month rock Marvin of Siva he not naive at m'hijita enough mana structure paper tied up my worship through what seven Gita panopticon tosya Paramatma the sheath or physical case of the hamana hamana Yahoo the idea of self-conquest controlling the Fallujah tot mana at mana jitta determines one victorious I have conquered my own self Swami Vivekananda says need Sangha Tiffany awesome he who conquers himself conquers all there's the greatness to conquer that he can have you know the story of Alexander the Great Alexander came to India and saw a sage sitting under sandy bank of the Ganges absorbed in himself and full of joy but seeing his face shining with joy and examples so much attracted you think they were said you're so peaceful and so joyful I will take you to my country and said get out of my place I am enjoying the Sun you know who I am I don't care to know I don't know I don't get in you please get out of here hi I'm Alexandra I can pull you I can kill you now then it said you laughed aloud My dear Alexander this is the greatest lie you have ever a turn you can kill my body but you can't kill me so I mean we kinda said this is the courage which you did not know love in the day William you get a courage and strength because you know it can't be true you're not afraid to the depths of the body so he says conquers to oneself confesses oneself means conquer sir sensors the sensors which are constantly outgoing sensors are clamoring for different objects the eye wants to see the year wants to hear the tongue wants to cave the nostrils want to smell the skin wants to touch every moment are constantly moving around and the civilization which we have built up particularly in the advanced country is so called in the West one hundred thousand opportunities for the senses to the joy Quran you know the saint industry the nostril it's a billion billion dollar industry appears what kind of synth centric so people are mad how these sensors can be pampered so I mean we cannot have said in the West you have experimented how much a man can possess in the East we have experimented whole little a man can tell in the West if somebody says I'm going to enjoy the world hundreds of thousands of opportunities are thrown at him and in India if somebody says they want to enjoy the world all those are shut if somebody says I will go to the top of that mountain look at the tip of my nose for the rest of my life and realize God under the people we're following including looking's in the West if somebody says I'm going to sit there and look at the tip of the nose he will die without food so the cultural difference you want to enjoy come on one day what Willie had super mouths no hope what grand mansions we have built super mall you want because you want that only five senses yeah nothing else for the five senses we have made fifty storey buildings how much chicken can a man enjoy how much how much can you eat you tell me so we say we want to taste food how much can you taste how much can you eat what just a glamour does the kind of illusion let's read the Gita size is the very root the Geeta phase you have to have self conquest so this is the some of the pillar I was talking about self-control you have to conquer yourself in order to be happy and we think that we will lose happiness by being too much other worldly oh you is you wrote Yogi's don't eat anything who is no smell missing you is don't see anything what kind of movie is this what he is seeing the inner light all the joy which is has his vision the whole thing is focused and we may kind of the same don't think I going to lose anything infinite will be a reward in the beginning you have to cry but our argument is very similar Lord you take away all this from from us but what if apparently the gather also other thing will be given at least this much let us help you will show the other one then only we will leave it but ultimately the senses get completely worn out gone through all this the gutter preface a survey and rearm giant adage that I can't deny they did one out we keep on eating something you can see the players from these people moving around the streets in live in these places thank you Bob so what they're not eating anything from chewing them some sick just can't keep their tongues quiet they keep on doing something something they will call something they will do so these essentials are all cut out don't think you'll lose much you will get instant weight I wanna try it out I am what I'm saying so don't believe these are true you try this for few money and the joy which comes with control of senses is infinitely more with the joy which comes out of enjoying the senses is called Shama suka Shama is a ma means control cells control the suka which comes of self control is much greater than the suka the joy which comes up out of enjoyment of the senses so the ether repeatedly we'll talk about this some of the sama no start smacking sana look at verses six eight six nine lead the meaning one perfect in the science uniting individual consciousness with the ultimate constants by acquired vedic knowledge and direct realization if in itself foxed in this state with fact is fully controlled observing with equal vision a clod of dirt a stone or goal is declared to be realized Sudama Garcia took some mud and gold and then threw them both both of the same so who does shall we get Umbria widget area Jitendra are self-conscious as the previous pokin about and swirl Mitsuru Gaussian or death aggressive on the fool is Luke Savard economy t a good person a wicked person a friend or a foe all of them are the same up and shining there however the Shara Davis said abjad is as much my son as far at ease kanako-sama share of ananda with the direct monastic disciple of sri ramakrishna a man of realization and the Secretary of the RAM Commission and Amjad is a Muslim Muslim dacoit he she said both are equal to me you know how it happens I was thinking about this how do you justify this from simple answer I got during the Pacific Ocean it seems there are places which are so deep the entire Somalia's may be drowned it was seven service a huge the depth is so much now suppose the Himalayas are down in one place and a small hillock is down in another place what does it matter the ocean I saw the ocean is concerned those are ground so from that point of view the Himalayas and the small hill that cut a small stone they are identical or if you go up in the sky then you fly it when you look through the window and huge ten story building as a small car which is moving they appear to be a dot so when you are poised and infinite from that point of view everything appears to be the same that's because in comparison with implementing the absolute all the relative is only a point he kaki is so much a teacher taught by which it done is completely withdrawn then he talks about the yoga how a person meditates and so on now in the ninth chapter is very important he talks about the other part of the club this is not interpreted without carriers in this particular fashion but if you look very carefully is called Raja with Yara Abu QIR yoga Raja with jay-z a royal knowledge and rather who here at the Royal secret there's a royal path we study in English a right royal road to perfection the national highway you simply drive without any obstruction what is this highway this highway is a path greater with avatar when God comes as man he creates a new highway in which you can just drive it only any obstacle so here go here Tom he marked this word nine one you bring 9 1 it says Gucci atomic can you look at this you bucha thamma bucha thamma bucha thamma bucha sang kha pu che fixes that is comparative tom is superlative we say more and most beautiful more beautiful most beautiful an English we put ER and est so Tara and Tama in the Gita the only three places were books Tomica cars once again he can be on to bambbles and people you can remember these versus cookie otama occurs only three places Nikita one is nine one is particularly worse the other is 15 2015 chapter the last verse the third is 1864 go here tamales the secret of all secret the Boston secret means that it is so important so vital so sacred that a surpasses all other pieces of knowledge recruits that what it means who here Thummim I am going to tell you now which is the secret of all secrets the supreme secret what is that the secret of guitarra Avatara is something which is not logically provable how can the infinity and gaps it will come with the small body but it is not illogical either because unless God came as man man would never have understood God so it is neither logical nor illogical it is super illogical so you called a logical and it is mystical so sorry the person used to say it is illogical mysticism so it is not confined within logic but when God comes as man a new highway is opened people like cars ordinary people also quickly can go through this it is what it is not further no problem but with the difference God with farm Durga Kali they in Mecca Nisha these are all God's with farm gods and goddesses Krishna is not talking about them this is God come as a human being as an incarnation Jesus but Christ or Krishna Rama Rama Krishna and so on since Roger with garage abou human this is supreme secret in the supreme knowledge and this woman is a supreme protection of agra mom it is directly realizable Sushil come very easy usually that is very cheap and easy that doesn't last long many things are made in cell phone so except Allah how about the secod men very cheap very inexpensive that means it lasts for a few days and it goes away he says his who shall come very easy but it was eternally lasting obviou me don't think it was very cheap and therefore easy of access in of JME then he says verse 11 many people looking at me they denied me they don't understand my real nature because they come at the human form hookah Mahesh forum I am the Supreme Lord and by seeing me the human form they think I am an ordinary person so they not do not really know me and then he says I am the Supreme Lord verse number 18 Swami Sivananda Maha Purusha Varanasi was very fond Elisabeth that is Roberta Prabhu Saxena Vasek suriname zerud brahma baba astronomy hanim be gem of Geum I am the goal-line the way Christ said that Jesus Christ said I am the goal and I am the way same thing here I am bigger time the problem I am the supreme lord I am your refuge I am your best friend you always look for friends the greatest friend that you can have is the Lord Swami additionally once very touchingly says can you talk to the Lord sometimes please do it but in privacy in private people should will call him bed so you should know who to talk to the Lord doesn't talk back of course but you can imagine that he is talking to you and pour your heart out to the Lord water you have who don't always contact human being this is one secret I want to tell you in spiritual life we always are very fond of telling our sorrows others now we had a mobile phone every little thing you are slightly upset immediately calm how I'm very upset today if the mobile phone we are not there that will get out economy immediately you want to share all your sorrows with others never do it do you know why recently I read a very funny statement please don't share your sorrow with others half of them don't care the rest half rejoice they will tell you how do you know that suppose very unhappy called me I know that's a no he's deserves very few people really feel free do you know that of course you know much more fruit we have experienced very very few people generally a mother and a father may love you very gently or a husband advice sometimes for children very very few people really share your sorrows so why not try the Lord for a change you may not believe it but they're not is actually listening to you but crying is worth it so it shouldn't leave the person deeply confirmed about you I'll give you an example in holy mother's life when I read that first it touched me so much as a boy from then monocyte it no more human beings all that you feel tell the Lord whether is good or bad when you like it or not whether loud response are not making a habit the story is holy mother Shahada and her mother Shah Massoud Rajavi two women walking up connection a sure to meet Sri Ramakrishna holy mother never wore footwear chapels and footwear she never wore so avocation of course bid bears who take these two ladies walking up to the Schnee sure the dynamic about that the funny character in bomb Krishna's life is may view his sister's son he was looking after slum occasional serving him Ramakrishna said nobody has served me as much as I did and nobody has tormented me as much as if I did this is one thing is usually happening yourself somebody you slowly begin to control him or her because I you are that that personal is being served by his helpless Sudama Shah was helpless at that time he could not take it if his body was in Samadhi most of the time so the dehinam serve him like a shadow Sharda they became there are factorable in jealous this vice has come to serve him then my I will lose my job that means he will be neglected he said why have you come she look at the auto city of this man's hurry away come here go back and wait advise she has the legal right the present-day women will say what I will show you women's rights gender discrimination see Luca chardonnays attitude Xiangshan the ravine is very cut to the quick she had come on like go away what is ramakrishna do what she could have done a food anthem we expect him to take brother on to task on where they stuck like this let her come or if the stool side of him he should have said called heard of that see this was shocked and buddy shouts don't worry beasts they are shielded nothing quickly was looking through the window and that poor lady was crying I don't know why I'm Krishna behaved like this when I meet him sometime I don't know when I have this question to ask him why did you behave that way these are some strange things we can't really explain Ramachandra for example banished his wife Sita she had to go through the fire test you know the story a neighboring shop she proved their purity in spite of Angela banished you know why so in a couple of questions I asked ramakrishna why did you why did you do it as Ramachandra why did he do is it a hug so these are certain things which you can't really understand you know what Sharda really did what would be our reaction even as he did not react inwardly we dusted this fellow he will suffer later or we will say all that is is something she's she quietly went to divine mother Paul Otellini and said mother when you called me again then they will come she had no grievance against her husband she had no qualms about Clara she had no animosity or anger against him oh that she wanted to say she poured her heart out before the divine mother said mother will you call me again I will come look at this one incident is you can imitate this practices in your life infinite will be a river I have tried it for decades on end I know the result hundred thousand problems come to every one of us don't be quick to share it with human beings human beings not understand even as they understand they can understand fully even if they understand and empathize with you they can't take your sorrow away from you we do not try the Lord for a change even if you don't believe it have some faith to some Krishna's words who said you see he listens to the footfall of an and Vinick on cocaine who need people a loop or through leave urgent affront upon he is quick eared that the translation made he can listen to the footfall of a man think of an ant the small creature and the ant has small legs when walking on the ground it makes a small song that's a lot of able to hear do you think you'll not be able to hear the cry I the agony of you and me it is true that he listens and he may not act immediately we have become impatient because he wants us to work out our own car muscles but he shall save us in times of crisis therefore he says surah means he is your beloved he was your best friend then verse number 22 we talked about in the morning those who are devoted to me undivided love which they have for me whatever they want I carried to them yoga kshema Mahama home then he says verse number 27 very important worse yet Karoshi nationality a Jew Jorge the - yet yet apostasy goes there that guru from other poem whatever you eat whatever you offer a sacrifice whatever penance you perform you offer the entire thing to me these are these are practices which we should do they say in the morning when we chant the mark number must be etcetera we offer it to the Lord at every point there are some people who offer every one of these things I know one Swami whenever is I selected to somebody whenever is gooble something you will immediately offer it to the Lord oh lord this is we offer to mother Kali not to some kisan sabha Ravi because mother Kali is more powerful than even drunk clown crush I will give you bhakti and Mukti but ordinary things for the world not sure whether he will give you but mother Kali and mother Kali always looks like always in the night only she wakes up in the night so offering is in the night and the morning I take it out mother I take it out ever I'm going to send it now these are all certain feelings whether their superstitions whether they are true whether this I don't know if people may dismiss it but epsilon is it satisfies you go ahead this is one more thing I want to share with you but as some people have seen what will others think of it and this weather is a super-efficient weather is real remain spiritual practice which satisfies you you see a joy and elevation go ahead don't worry about the truth about it the logic ality all logic is only so stupid and small how much can the mind understand as long as it satisfies you as long as gives you joy go ahead I'll tell you a small story I shared it in the Hollywood Center there's grave scientists call of this salon you know the physicists they got a Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory of the unification of forces you know the Muslim Muslims play seven times in a day they have fixed procedures on international confidence it is said Abdul Salam was suddenly missing people looking for in long time he emerged from a corner so now we are not looking for you lady Devo oh I was doing my prayers then the other colors this fellow scientist Salam you such a big scientist believing in all this you know what is the lungs answers you see I am Abdul Salam a human beings I do science but who takes care of the human beings allowed me who makes him sane and happy so that the happiest Salam will be able to do science and physics this is what makes me happy so first of all remember we are human beings first we have emotions we have unknown problems and we have torture of situations we have good and bad and indifferent we are friends we have enemies so first of all we have to make ourselves happy we have to live validated pure lies and unless we can do that all the science that you do has actually be meaningless seen him as a Ramanujan also heard about him with Indian mathematical genius he used to wake up in the morning and write down certain theorems in his notebook without proof his mentor prefer Hari used to ask him Aramis and what is the proof of these theorems sir proof I see that they are true protection Ursula directly if you see they're they're true like Ramakrishna said whatever proof that God exists to prove if I see him I talk to him what else can you say then he says how do you write down these theorems who tells you all this sir there's a secret I have a cooler day with that that means my family deity she's a goddess Devi goddess of namakkal the place in which he was born in fin jabbering mystic in Tamil Nadu she comes and tells me in my dreams and I know down hard he said this boy is an extraordinary mathematical genius at hopelessly religious so you may condemn it but this is the faith which moves mountains of Christ that faith can move mountains and then he says this is a great verse someone fed above who the issue when I made ratios in aplia 29 i knee quilt all this gives you great hope remember Narayan and Rakhal are as much benefit of ramakrishna as you and me there's nobody special to God nobody not special someone they made ratio stay in aplia it is not that they hate anybody excess in love anybody then whatever people so I had committed so many mistakes oh so many sins don't worry appreciate Susan our car over today Amana me apart Suraj Charu derocker I mean the person who is condemned with very bad who is exceptionally bad Suraj arose but he some who devoted to me then what happens robbery was a month of jihad submit goes Theresa he should be considered as as other the holy man because he has resolved well then sri ramakrishna was giving away the river crosses the size would be disciples you know the story in Kashi poor Hamish are very ill una Gopal dad hold Gopal his disciples from had written under later on russian geardo pieces of clocks about relics pieces to be given to the various saddles and rag Shamala Sudama krishna said when will you get greater saddle than the same voice called one-by-one and gave them disability that's what the beginning of the Ramakrishna Sangha one class was remaining people said to whom Allah give it keep it for a christian devotion christian drove the bohemian there is nothing in the world singing the work is not committed you know what he said I made a mistake he say no I would get a guru the gram Krishna I could have done something more I left out many things under him this is the faith you know why Ram Krishna can't get for him because he has promised in the Gita 9:30 that he'll be considered as asado or the holy man for glee she kept it because he has resolved well ship Ramudu term at Mossad champion megacities very important verse cone tayyip erdogan ehi Nemea fact operatio comte o arjuna go on declare to the whole world my devotee will never come to Greece see there Swami the great commentator says who Arjuna go to a place for people of debating about God's glory about your saving grace of God saving power of God take holy instruments beat your drums and shout at the top of our voice raise your arms and shout my devotee not devotees will never come to win then they will accept you as you their guru so this is the great verse such a person and the last verse 34 of the 9th chapter this is repeated once again the 18th chapter this is called the supreme secret in the bhagavad-gita what is that he privately called Arjuna I've told you so many teachings about monkey Jana yoga you know the easiest one come to me man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru mama away she sees into a mat Muhammad piranha huh put your mind in me become my devotee and bow down to me we saturated with my presence and I will release you from bondage this is it in assurance of the avatar Christ said this come unto me ye that are weary and heavy-laden and I will give the rest secrets effective Ramachandra Fitness the story in the Ramayana the vision I came to take refuge in Lama in O Rama Ravana had two other brothers divisional and kumbhakarna sattva Rajas and Tamas so the vision of a subject he came to they take refuge in Rama Rama said stop I will not accept you unless I can tell my colleagues a democracy even they called a council he asked everybody what should we do now this fellow is coming deserting is better then somebody said sir he may be a secret spy somebody said he has deserted his brother he will desert you also finally you know what Hanuman Mojave is the great say Cassius being in Rama and I said and I said Oh Rama even as Ravana comes and asks for refuge you are bound to give that is your brother then Rama Chandra same escaping in the Ramayana so grave of propylaia kvass made the other day oh hi I'm sorry Babu de Jour Adame that Berta mama either even if once somebody comes and says I'm yours then I give them Abhaya she understands refuge that is the valve by which I am bound the avatar has bow you simply go cry toga Oh Lord and helpless you can't help me he has to if it doesn't do it he will be serving from swerving from his duty and he will be unfaithful to his mission and the Lord shall do it he has promised repeatedly in the Gita and other scriptures now the people do yoga never has got with trails chapter once again the ninth chapter talks about the avataric o'clock told chartered the bhakti-yoga the bhakti-yoga is such an important chapter once again most interestingly who is very dear to the Lord may Priya he lives a series of qualities starting from 1320 we're only 20 verses verse number 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and these are almost identical to the qualities expected which are again the second chapter ii chapter talks of sita pretty ominous lady wisdom from the point of view of knowledge Organa here the same thing is repeated from the out point of a bhakti clearly emphasizing a journey and the bhakta are the same you can approach God through bhakti or in Oshima through ghana but the result will be the same now when I read those verses I feel very depressed it's so dear to show duty cycle to become dear to the Lord look at these verses observable minimum or ahankara again an MoU monitoring gara if you have boo egoism is no no no no Makara oh he's so difficult to become dear to the Lord until I came to the last chapter in which the last phase anybody who studies the gita and teaches others this gita verses are the dears to me I will sell this I will reverse last chapter 18 chapter 68 69 70 Yemen para manga comic birthdays forbid us to be with our Shetty bhakti my Abram gripa mommy register from Shia hub mother smarm initiation question may pre-ripped Omaha have adonijah made a smart and yep pre-approved we read the mini 58 69 then extra 69 this is remarkable issue please the Gita read it and teach it to others you become the dearest to the Lord and he says he is dear to me and he also says there will be none later on will be the error I will not change my word seven erectus I saw this is a great opportunity will come dear to the Lord 12 chapter is so difficult update of the robocar are all the qualities are quite so difficult so the easiest way to become gear to the law read the Gita teach it others even though they will not be willing to listen to you catch other who teach them this is the way and he says vomit on oh Jesus Martinez Pretoria Chris come on Thomas super little he is the dearest John I had gained it in Armistice committee may mati he he says those who discuss the Gita to create dialogue between God and man they are doing Jana idea what has been doing the whole day we were doing the honor idea the idea sacrifice of knowledge mr. Sharma tamiya mati he I am very dear to the read the meaning of 78 verse Proclamation I proclaim to the world such a person who has been discussing this Gita all of us will become so dear to the Lord today believe this because it's not one words either you say a lot of not totally it is not the true statement which of course is a bad thing to do because Allah khuda so if you believe this how dear have you become to the Lord so read the Gita is pretty colors so he says much of a smart money she rule question may click retama he is the Supreme Being who is very dear to me then hit retreat regrets 15 chapter is guru for tamahagane software important chapter and the bar Chikara commentators Shankaracharya reason Swami everybody says this chapter contains the very essence is not only the Gita the entire Veda sort of of a dark shangri-la butum there is a statement that they make it talks about three entities Shara Oksana and provoked Amma Shara is the perishable which is the dull dead nature Akshara is the jeeva claw which is the principle of spirit within all of us and purushotam is the Supreme Lord the all the three entities together form a whole so this call comes very close to the she stood by the philosophy it was a Brahman the supreme reality is qualified by the Jeeva and the jacket and this whole package whole entity of Brahman being qualified by these two this is one without a second and therefore reduces advaitha the Chara Akshara and the purushottama and the Purushottam I the Supreme Lord and the 16th chapter he talks about so many qualities leave a sort of sympathy baggage auga give me some but to a high filtration of illnesses there are six us with qualities divine qualities if the element is as the American colleges you automatically go to so another grave a quiet interface held eliminates I started with the prophet and what are the six qualities here verse number is 16 chapter 16 verse number 4 donto the buddha monastic rules of partially mature again and avocados Hipparchus on bahamas real what is it something and Angela ignorance comical is something which you were to leave you so easily only five things you literally remember very very for such height dum ba dum buying software something swimming show off slow Billy what is talking to their pretentious attention there you pretend that what you are not this is very common in the world suddenly religious person will be killed as it is we will just current person will be here B is B we want a little honesty a hurry who is the perfect bliss is range Shivan see yes some awaken in a wonderful statement I caught a statement 99% of our energy they spent in making others believe what we are not and he has that will give his other spent in becoming what we want others to take us to be suppose I want to swap as a religious person as in three chambers they tell everybody image building I tell you don't see you like the castle video rejected love did you say this is so amazing only it will defy image as a holy man so all my energy spent it's not what our witness is all about all my energy is spent in trying to make others believe or not see if they want to be believed that the holy man the easiest ways to becoming men spend all that energy to become hogging minute I want you to take me to be a holy man so rather than playing on tricks to make you believe that I will have a became a holy man myself when all the direction gumpa that place handles or binocular there and people add values of Iman or we partition anger horror forgive our third one magazine or they love cannot read exactly so there are two versions here one is a team honor others Aviva Aviva excited or team Allah is another confirmation which Shankara falls the marcia octoman amines sorrowful annihilation are you a particular idea i think that a normal night and somebody come to tell me that I will different carefully absolutely he does not I know I know I do not know somebody said you know what is the difference between self confidence and evidence since confidence since I know other than said I am normal I don't know I know I only know so RT Monica yachty Monica yes to glorify oneself self-glorification and crota all of those lower the growth and anger and Varsha functionings harsh speech for rocking to the archivist partisan speech particular speech you want people to your speech just this file there are basically the new weird alien counterfeit circumstances we feel like taunting somebody we feel like hurting somebody oh you didn't come yesterday of course we could you have a case or anything so we we we know of them don't people at that time that has is a long-standing devotee even 20 years ago the person in Institute of culture Gopal you do some time anybody came and said are you being drilled caucus for years you don't operate in isolation but means your process are nothing new to be anyway so I said this was wonderful can you tell me some of the names you know contributing studies means me slightly you tell me kind of hat you know hat this is cause so you like Oh bleep little little dumb down try to poke the military for your spirit intelligence those who are really efficient with always like the donut unreasonableness efficient but if your teamwork how do you ever finish the job I feel excited that come on give it to me you go to extreme the God has given the swings propensities different kinds of these two people hurting people through speed whether there is created Morrigan purpose you know the story where the dark I the kites came on the cat care in the Telugu the she was passing through going to geometry a huge played out we insisted with the carbon on the story and the companions left her behind because she could walk fast and I think it became dark and she encountered the kite and of course she told us under the Kali and unaccountable they always think over her who the spheres you sure you really just will because we have been struggling and Steinem is nothing is happening so I think the course of watching people now this story of the Brody up Oliver needs to be the people dimension what's mother said please don't repeat this story again and again people who left me behind would feel deeply hurt so look at me the attitude T relentless they have to go fast which is a thing that they will feel if T are useful and happy please don't appeals Hoover repeatedly said don't move anybody in World Series this is a simple thing we can start practicing now from firefights today you carry the three months you try one multiply the number comes to sometimes that comes the old habit then again reflect I should not and of Warsaw Salieri very devotee that person decidedly claimed it means if you are superior to her or him when he or she cannot react she'll say we keep claim not allow that who come to you auto-ship and Goldust through life and there is trouble waiting - well you're really gonna get angry angry anger from he becomes of hazards I want this exactly the same way sure about house and you shoulder people because he has period polio money and you have me position and occupy with that sin nor education dr. Aragon number cross-check these fights before the one phase beefing up in simple Robert he doesn't talk about purity is it without over carbon again tonight are doesn't talk about anything else just these fights so today to take a vow the element is five inches first time you can reduce not difficult ok you should become conscious of this see most of the more concrete answer that it is a culture of this you will find the God let's just lower it reduces then do that extent the Danish above the gob don't like the practice restraint is it then the other thing automatically time so this I wanted to point out then the seventeenth chapter is about Shradha play vada three kinds of scrubs have the seventeenth and eighteenth chapter the another one talks about sattvic rajasic a-- and thomas chica just last thing i watch share already engineering over circle over okay it's good good thank you no you're not karamaneh I'm gonna be late about all right nice of course using photography boys they're feeling and then what way is it worth the energy would sit those would just loosen because I'm not communicating with some smuggler they also regulate what don't you can't follow anything don't miss it look at this article ah Jessica and Thomas Iike and have a small part made for you I brought the sufficient little copies you can use this because you can't this is ever done is needed but you will never get it okay when you started if you are educated they are to say is get on the ball so that that is a good news cycle written it you will be given the exact importance you give me negative four [Applause] here well need one everybody bought it yes the British said have everybody copies I got somebody and visiting we should visit the idiom Deus happen to be now you can see here to the categories the first column Gianna karma khutba the D duty to come the other from that are harder get here tapas and down for minute one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven straight because of them so these are the categories and each other can be classified as table sugar bar the second Dhamma sukha I've given the vegetables also be is occurring the 18 and the 17 chapters so does it take one by one equally Gianna Gianna Zhou Qing the usually knowledge is something which is sacred to the Sun rather once a knowledge also can be Thomas it's a logistic method this is a unique contribution to bhagavad-gita that any category can be either opposite the knowledge seekers object and the washroom books are given here 18 20 21 22 1824 a Google very innate on bottom of the electrical can you put the verses 1820 so a booth Iranian any compound material cutting we have from this vehicle shut down that by which one in this little something to see in all beings in separating the separated those advanced to be subsequent the simple idea is any kind of unified illusion the shaft the division in which you don't see separateness and people come in all say he's an American businessman he will Indian he is there is along here the woman he is a man so that idea by which you divide things into segments but that is time funded I want unified illusion will give a yogi the kuffar take a knowledge such people always a very successful people they look at the whole thing as one undivided substance even if you want don't want God and spirituality why not think of everybody that you want to be a very can be maybe in the direction will again Italian slaughtering the Chinese but all of human beings as human beings talansky is one even if you can be a very very simple position and what a body seeker gana rajashekar knowledge that in order divides so I'd meant to the knowledge delicious knowledge is called Raja Sita the fact reality is garam hawa hawa Tibet is bandwidth is a very beautiful these was always seen separate what did you study I see the economic zone you said this is explicit chemistry so you think physics and chemistry and economics that engineering is also principles the personal things with a knowledge just one unity is a subject a person your person who decides a senior person person young person holds a woman man-mountain on among American Indian all kinds of Defense's exist a person looking handsome these differences is Amanda traffic collision a person who focuses in the defense's only is called a rowdy cicadas we're atomically person this is very interesting the Thomas Takata still has also seen the whole but sees the small fragment as level can you get it really yes - Christopher a custom gaudy a septum behind the strands whole construct as the fit is fall take a spin carry a what small fragment in one small kake'land he imagined them the whole either solve this slowly it's rotted away rocking the bullet rumble of Thomas again Swami ji says little need talks about in the of illusions go to end of the decision there's a frog who is living in the West and the Frog is been living there is much longer suddenly a huge with your four cables filled another well since it's for you maybe come from and come from the sea I don't know where found in the sea but with the Saudi the sea what is it it has big data he took a jump from onion to the gravely this is what do you compare it took another gentle back into the scent with a tactic how do you compare your welcome I see oh this man is a liar those of thing is the sea this is called Tom a second camera you take it all phonetics or optimism they are religion they see the entire as one whom the small part of it bathing is a home to live in a particular state in USA I think that state is the most superior happy just nothingness leg but thing like leather the stories authority there was a king who wanted to protect his kingdom because all the people happened to that sir we wouldn't want from what is going to be Glenn built they are here those who reads wall for Tom siga people see the people get ready at all how could this happen remember he is an example of town circles if you look at people from the point of your software at this and Thomas you have instantly human beings and with effect don't get upset about anything oh yes Dhamma sukha mix the sandwiches some people are subsonic surprises but if it will what we call caste Brahmins Kshatriyas should relationship for all this focus Shankara in the commentary sugar funk they are very clear about the person is purely subject is called Rahman is absorbed in study meditation consumption in God the person who is an achiever rajasic with mixture of chakra is on a track via a ruler is the compassionate he'll he'll have a hard half of yield an achiever the person I wish Phillip Thomas advocate is Elijah you'll only know how to accumulate money and distribute the person who is a mixture of Dollar Index Thomas with very little register is called a filter because it just is down weekend he doesn't understand everything even Abu so according to these lists you know these three qualities the portion is determined as either from God if it is a racial characteristics so this Thomas it people are those who have a very limited vision and were extremely fanatical about that we have these people say wrong I have been visiting the sample about all the things that she is interested you may have that but tell me something about it you do not know which is the Western world is a will or not is a quantum little bit better the dumbest see don't be offended big enough of innocence assuring that what you have a small visually the whole the identified mistakenly this is the part of the whole I think that we did it that is so GU Kathy genius silver one giggles laughs oh really he there karma karma kanda Patrick Robinson optimism that was 23 24 and 20 second ago today who is this active or in fact a dilemma Nia Thomas algorithm Arabic Vega freedom Haleh prep surah Jeremiah chapter kamatchi a near zone Sangeeta means the person who is doing it obtained action he is doing it every day we don't attachment okay in the game began this talk about a road result are now 50 non-attachment he does it without any attachment from Garrido a rather difficult on raga is attachment and they shall over attraction and repulsion I like this work I don't like that work oh please don't think that work I eat it ah this is the work we shall like a person who is this one by likes and dislikes and that is the work at a person who has no attachment the person who has no less than two slits a product great soul he is not attached the fruits of work the food come is okay if they don't come in Bob let's go to the South chicken our mod organizer to karma just the opposite this person communist Shinagawa his motivation is desire Sarang Kareena Oh Tony Gleason you know I live that this ended you can eat no read my book Sami what Feynman it'll change thinking that I did that hunka and clearly a blog awesome for doing a small thing it makes great effort and if you are somebody who logĂstica paramon doesn't owe you will deal a book at you now come on yahoo this entire thing could have been achieved a half over the circle she would make you one the whole day the excessively laborious work not commensurate with the output to be able to achieve this much she'll put a huge number and that's all for today i Teilhard don't need to this called curve rather signal Thomas economist variously undergone over hamsa other things are anorexic evolution mo hard our village and my attack power so today you can the management over the one if you would management menu a person would certainly be here some work come on it's gotta be projects some if you have a landfill over from the background with a human resource management each other I am who worship harmony do you have the money for me Keisha how many people did without your babies you talk tomorrow early morning Masami I remember wrong you came but little need this have to be finished how many people will be tortured by for that work a live on them you don't think the consequence you don't mean the one you think is happen afterwards your person without consideration of the consequence about how it is going to do and about the torture people and not worried about human resource all the Mojave delusion the shackles done why is it necessary not I don't know this is done and the youth I have some fancy such a person South Thomas it coming now you can immediately tallied the outlines of the laser people will be your workplace and Rivera can see be so you see due to the habit of analyzing people based in fact organism does not fixing them not evaluating them not judging them not handling them are not pleasing them just all this is the thermal circuit or this covers and supply so this car always keep it under your pillow even if you don't need it and Hallie is pleased amiable carries with your life yes sounds like deep personalizes the when you see think that they're not it's not it's not you tend to go either age the goodness yes so the every has a rightly pointed out what speakership has to say is remember the three gunas are driving me these are other work is not what you wrote down these are 3:53 can you little bit yes further we have you take that later so scoffs Abigail gallalala P look at them exacting food on the dress collection II whole thing is little bit you could be conceived you simply little one but when you click on us so even at the Ottawa even a question of knowledge an educated person or knowledgeable person he also given basically given us you may see the look this your boss your director and we do and people on the top maybe the highly learner did you think it second position is possible point but they are different difficulty Waterville look at the young people are equalized driving them you can think initially what can you say blue who are from Canada Bashar is humorous clear otherwise a point self you cannot interest should be mama ha yes Shiva even I am for eventual are the great Lord but there could be different ways in me hard to speak of you so when you leave with your children when you relive your colleagues always remember it could be whenever acting we are defined in container Italy you can gently give a suggestion I love you but don't continue livery what to rule these conversate he is not a saying he is hardly the combination of this so what is to be done what at the end of the day what is the story behind is child take increase as well what are some objective a right yes what are you not having object empanadas much more subjective object you know subjectively and here you see the header Institute in the head of the department these are in charge of something with a deal with people human management remember the religious policy this is the decimal which started in Safari got the first lesson you look at the nature's of people and then we leave it electronically you know what he don't clear up the notion you and with all kinds of people here can without judging the nature that's why there is a Greek earth and the drama people said the performance of a faculty of organization may harmonica does not have physically longer location he could remember Sunday English Tamil Ikki how many available this is dicta calm that means we have less intelligent he's not created good to create a gang now we could turnover of the organization and the Kurama so much somesome you he is Thomas Socratic second Catholic so if you can place that and if you have responsibility to lead people you share the part of the group the yoga teacher your teach so many people you remember subsidy rather systematic some people come to push the other part you gently give and you know externalize then you increase the first column here try to be as shocked citizens hold on spiritual life consists in increasing as software yes most of the organization means you don't trip the Salafist the purest to the truth of thought then the realization to scream reality which is beyond the glass is just to step away initially you can't jump k2 lunatique level service which is beyond then tough that is related to this yes no comforta cut amines and agent karma and contacts flow wherein is released cut the visa dr. 1856 traitors level 28 can you bring them once again obviously you can immediately predict what the borrower is going to say because attachment always you can swear whatever I was going to say look the hanbok a lot of body your person please without attachment under homebody please from attachment an only going stick see the world in surah Anam Cara ahankara means egoistic that oscillation is a psychotic side other homebody a person will talk about himself see I remember the so he girls take but all the possible - did you come to Metra you can see signature you give look at my book did you see the building examples aye-aye-aye if pressure doesn't talk about concern and a person without attachment but the teams are underlined city will serve Malaga this is a terrific group solid enthusiasts who know the easier both attachment will not have an enthusiast the facts do something therefore I have is really interesting with other one says you feel both Esmond and you said completely diversity your work will go well yes honker I personally feel who has egoism homebody is a person who may not be that egoistic sometimes people have children they talk about themselves hey did you see you receive a painting there are very egoistic inductions but the warrant is even talking about the incisions also not possible for a sapphic person he's very shy for many greater than 800 whatever he feels way in that so shy if somebody places in what he places himself our thoughts learn how to to react emotionally like that since pleased with the community dance let's go people I will carry vinegar in our body so home curry maybe are gonna be but our body little beyond re the world is here expression of yourself obviously you have it a Hungarian digital a little Ankara cannot eat a bomb of yourself even talking about yourself express itself is in tension this will be avoided but to say buchta from below are some body dripping sauce along with that and since this is demure Raghava with a success comes or failure comes vulnerability no you do you have 10x a look at the qualities you possess you have to be intensely delicious it is extremely enthusiastic and you should not talk about yourself and you can please one attachment and with a success comes of failure concepts beyond occurrence usually if you know I two sections of failure you will not be this is yes you die shall I let it go on I hear something would cook it no he can sleep be engaged but without caring for what comes next then projects again immediately signals definite the person is attached groggy karma Palace plates who want the things of work look some greedy him sat for the hot posturing everybody or should he you pure motive what we call it in English in a hidden agenda I watched him work done free as you know don't often I please come and then how did you tell you I am sorry Wilkinson books for you when you come who we fully see the books and Buddha's work for me therefore I attended originally we feel what if we do it in any movement is a synthesis simple example take it down with a failure patient about station and they walk my way suddenly meet you who saw me remove only as in the class the aisle at least I walk a lot well in case you are the bag is too heavy if she came is going to be good but I'm not tell you happy to course already know I did wanting for that that is and slowly it's going to be damaging our motives are killed all the time here are few cheap you feel motifs hunter folk are with a khutba suddenly you'll get elected for the latest the person assumes between depressing relation to the rajasic person you can think the games so you will unfold the difference will get will such a joker in Jakarta and so pretty today then Thomas acabas very dressy are you star welcome to 28 I looked up when unfocused you please focus Prakriti Prakriti may see is vulgar than such attacks is not exactly like democratically to personally uncultured cool stop time sometimes sometimes an additional difficulty positive also some kinda person who is you'll never bored on the contents of fiscal regarding he's not hold on G he is not tired you know tribal he is what she will always behave as it is it sometime shut up they should go a lotta shuttle is dishonest should I mean he has something of his lives and they should occur and al-assad is not doing concealers Christie is doing menschkeit even not believe lazy other things also ladies didn't check them here beautiful chicken Basha who don't have the pain such a great eonni is not sweetie practical matters a weak space he says our face a person who is lazy they scrutinize a person who doesn't want to do indolent other side is a person not only is lazy he is create such a lack of sheer laziness with others also happen like you like some government offices even if you do something and others will create an atmosphere of such an illness in work comes you handsome this will enthusiastically a Lhasa he shall be because of people traveling depressed if you think about it always replace is a psychopath so though give them great Africa Appalachia so the Thomas nobody can need to go somewhere so the tax person has to be engaged in activity given sir hold koalas let's have a walk some kind of physical activity isn't get a mental activity some activities as I guess trusted at all to conquer us the face Bobby Millikin very it is all in white planned that whole country Indians steeped in tops who are the verticals people Rogers so you wanted a free permission sir Indian steeped intimacy that don't believe our supply their head another witness has an artistic activity.this Castle 3 is procrastinating so that I face it I'm here for our Catania Marseilles novella karate that which can be done today at model he will not do it even in the monster he born for translated into so3 there is a song a joke don't pass till tomorrow what you can offer to the doctor next week simply postpone for nothing will easy in the month is called atomic attack coq10 book T 30 31 32 top to give up easily practicable T what you call shown that Omega our bread game is called up the guilty reluctant Geneva Tim Jacoby agave away from the mauck's home Jaya witty this apart so fast so little the summer they descend why they attacked I gotta take my time for joy always be afraid have some fear your personally they do to fear here lots of things sorry recover said be fearless political sciences see don't be over much confident about certain things where you need to be afraid don't jump and dancing and are we not be afraid see we are weak people we have to be extremely careful in certain situations don't jump into those situations so we have to be afraid and we're not to be afraid this is revealed in a subsequent ions are available chairs and predicting with the way to engage yourself in action later recede from action caria economy what they do what not to do this is the FAFSA he would be will reveal to you and the positionable T government launched a gargantuan Korea nature I have heard of the gamma P yet ha these entities are yatta is not as it is in English form of the get distorted you have a distorted vision of things there is something happening this book deal with T the starts the Holy Satan you should know this is not exactly like this this is different no good night as you see Marcus oh I am seeing it differently we did indicate it 300 you will know he is fantastic don't sigh hi father Agata complete is doing this Thomason movie is very closely autonomous community are near the avocado Luca Sal our families asked about this the policy he is absolutely convinced he took a vampire permit and he takes the poultice immensely long as they say in the leather did the opposite you see what a beautiful picture Donna is not eligible don't you see this or not I can see that sometimes you'd indicated the obvious things are indeed opposite Tom single summer fabric color they toss he sees something just the opposite perception salt not are you Robert how the difference so there are some people's used to get to the early days such an obvious thing waiting don't you see this she is wrong no I'd invent the elect go run the numbers immediately go the reset or 1833 so this will give you the risk of friction giving the people the output of prize outlet where is this happen but this is the most practical then it talks about a drippy actively that is not ratified the tea is tennesippi fortitude that is the t-one of planning we we are higher power attain that by which domain the prana and the you live this census that is being held fast your Vienna octave acharya by part of yoga when liberated soft frequency elevated sought by high thinking by godly attitude that is the mind and the body are still small for example suppose your sales today the whole day confusing triad or simply box on you pass the whole Philippines most often is not acidic ultra water and what some hot water are dealing with a cup of tea simple green bubble don't please so that's hot table doing to tell you know I will go for this nothing is going to happen to me you will get up in the challenge our godly little so able to extend the teacher now there are sixteen there you have a very macabre quantity are valid Angela from the oedipal are comfy so attachment and decided the food survived and I cannot understand City and fought with you as an ending go to intercept designing the results motivated by attachment I do something with autism still family the days really lifted his leaps off always a say depressed and how however much you teaching to come over because you love about there are some people who can't be pulled over with people and would tell you city they were forgotten that tennis idiot substitute Y which they hold onto the shower higher and mother and sleep don't know this time for our love is not even ability ha ha ha yes analytical they are three till development two creases that you going to be every day don't go deduction is it either 18:34 this is this rupee now cyka cyka is 18 37 38 satellite that's so car in the beginning it appears to be poison Kapali the morning that's terrible winter and take cold water Martin mitigate poison but later on it gets converted into Victor I will go over mom Marina Bay top sukham Hapkido authority father German it cools their system and gives you the higher vision the odyssic sucker usually and reassess your attitude agreeable over moon initially it appears to be very sleep really interesting very tasty you're out on the stock handsome five the swimming with the chili sauce even we did leave a terrible pain understand the initially the taste if they have swallowed a key that means support so this is called Roddick's itsuka now markets occur the beginning game is only from the dualism what is that they drive sleep on us here Lizabeth pramada can't firmly fumbling and making mistakes is called politics occur and the person happen it leads all the various living we can also join sleep sleep joy is called a Thomas in Scott then he talks about three days of yoga is there in the beginning seven eight and - seven this Dominic you want to give up something one developer and you're out recruits not one is pointing toward you know you see what it is up work it is one because you're highly motivated for a great compassion which is because you're promising the other citizen yatra happen all over but the day will have to settle it together you give up something of the dilution something say how I don't feel like okay I'll give it why I know we're very commenting in Davis I like it why you don't like it you wonder how deep is donut for logic I just wore hot warm into the roof suddenly something happens you I wish you are confused then what is it Gianna the committee whatever I pledging we are today because it's our pleasure ah let's go Marcus hold their calculation if the body is cleaning and let it is insane ah but we'll give up shouldn't sit down using the Gita books are a veritable politic all this nothing will compute just later this would be exam or soon a great idea so to say I don't want to take the exam I wanted to give a mock I have to know how to picture July 13 Krishna in my new student office I called arduous and wrong the syndrome is just before tough acceleration immediately you say the world is all empty what got it cleared my up today you want something because shall feeleth fabulous then what is toxic dianna the actual data is the data or the renunciation of any reason the risk of attachment for food so we can give a clear with got a little green engine he goes through both the afternoon because it has to be done why are we doing this having a fun of them a lot to do it and sometimes people are investment paalam Java and you have no tension between some work again the generosity the fruits of work then we're almost through some shutting the thief inhale now chakra both been broken 17 four five six the previous chapter agent this obstacle dei Marmi credit cancel out of our return we booted in astern it isn't a homicide in our heart some of the houses from that also lets works well so the teens for for existence here in Suffolk shopper Oh Suffolk strata solution 15 for hospital yeah soccer yeah so they worship the devil together a monitor is insane lucky good thoughts both in sub-sahara jessica chief article people worship God for divine beings and the powerful people they worship pray to Buddha garage on May 17 575 Raj nastika praveshika and 17-6 conferring the cilia from Buddha college a la montagne obviously it is compounded Asura Luciana I have to leave them Laura beside vehicle now these people take up needless hostility is it gotcha senseless are they are they talk to the body unnecessarily something that also gonna be good I'm taking a fracturing the body a little silly because monkeys aren't exciting in the body they are torturing me closely in the body this one is Thomas addiction they will go to let so much a sweet like a family karate six subsidies effect on our Hara seventeen eight nine ten this is very famous verse remember the green car does not talking about vegetarian or non-vegetarian food it talks about reducing food Thomas's food as article for some people fish later subject depending the competency depends in retirement the things are very long depends on your food habits because when they have is water so provided software increases they taking that food that's what is good for you usually interesting people thought about the way veg and non-veg analogies are the falafel from Shasta castle rather circus would consider food such beautiful are you shocked of Ilario this will completely diverse phenomena here are you good you become worse your agent recent that means longevity increases sucker Bala are all gear but I st. are Anya is freedom from disease Zucotti phenylephrine ahsoka is joy and Preeti is you feel happy about the whole thing but if it Garcia with dr. Olivia juicy cook Isola Russia life happy cook sweetheart cool coconut with Sheila steady Olivia very pleasant because octopus vitality energy cheerfulness substantial and real and Karim Lala mathematics a hooker on aha cotton Amla become South saline excessively hot pungent dry and burning with Akasha arrives a couple little family puts too much of spice and to muscle onion too much of this iris oh mighty appear very tasty for the logistical what happened it's relative a brief pain and disease Luka rem-pod aha then Thomas a couple it makes your dull and sweetie the opera harmony but there are some booty bar in suburbia turn that will be stale tasteless stinking overnight back in India thus we here is very amused and unpleasantly amused they keep it for tomorrow they could you give a vision to let big government our old from scholars back to the school overnight and people keep it flat or three weeks in thanks because of call you have moved off center are you can get some temperature control is save in the risk of the naked probably micro open water with maybe even one says that the three of course it looks on with the Americans because the Islamic of regice will compensate by the power cook you overwrite the file Yama is three hours that it is cool factor we don't see how if you read it in pure ricotta Masika fatal stinky sticking with even from kind of fish but it is bounded editions they got root key much dry fish three fish short novel that things so much and they're very happy about it some people have it really then he talks about yet yet some of the eleven twelve and thirteen this could be maybe the eleven a pallet on civilian job it is destroy each other they stood the datum us for Shabbat is a seat aha rakia gear which is performed by when dividing it off again and again if Africa means two things to remember now we can wait with visa versa what is up to that no attachment to the fruit sugar fruits and no egoism so which is the song desiring her food and enjoying by ordinance right 638 get only that means according the rules we follow the rule for example puja do our country's rajashekhar in English even tell me that it is a done with attachment of roots the opposite order seeking the fruit and ostentation what is that dumb bottom of each a minute the ostentation Roger circle who would you vote in India that so many people are called or them you have you spend so much not a signal that the glamorous kind of thing then Thomas chica with the genome of Astana mantra here in mother tongue slipped Avila hit on me young Thomas encouraged extra pay without following the proper rules and food is not distributed you don't share your food with others and without chanting the proper mantra and you don't give gifts Dakshina and without the digital time this is called Thomas Italian yeah then he talks of or puffs topless is off the default subject goddesses and bouncy we forget there are three pins of the our bodily of a chef Oreos of us watching and the mental management of these three verses were very important eighteen fourteen thirteen sixteen they were visible to drag get moving on the front of our yellow room mercantilism soccer solid run GG avail de matar God's Drita the twice-born of the brahmanas guru those were revered people Raja those of another who jerem what shipping them brochure the spectrum so John purity arjavam is Renuka a freight forwarder the same ad which will discuss some time ago maru share is hurting others so speech the max of that I look very remarkable the Revati is speech to that four qualities one you should have her delivery costs all but in the same day mr. Ahn Jong Kooks you replace somebody unnecessarily falsely and with the very clever oh you came today nobody can definitely eat eluted at the first place it was up Alexander own septum Korea said it wasn't and Hitler we should be for the benefit of the other person it is not easy to combine this for he should not further this if we recruit soon will be present and it should be beneficial to the young man such a and Santeria artists are constantly calculating some spell that must we can do repeat the Gita the people from eternity big news come become whatever change something so only through your streets can't really engage you as Steve change something which is divine delegating this is watching tapasya oracle CEO or the vintage above share one of the far from here from modem mappable graha house incredulity at the hallmark of today one of the father the father is a facility of mind senility a fight for calm serene so you're wrong Selenia in the interesting why they call it kinda so mutual means you have a disposition in which you're simply absorbed in your own higher self and your face radiates some kind of teens in the child so different mode only mode in the silence the Lord is puts I love the multi-purpose we're not watching not speaking in the buona notte have family and thought word is more you can speak of mental it is all this in silent Mona our political sense control once again this second row harwitum fifty Marcus extremely powerful could be sure the advantage the moutains will be extremely pure mind really pure is called multi-purpose yeah now Coptic rajasic and tamasic of these three so they are Priyanka from the film arrange our are and sugar is obtained octagon vintage today now can you tell me one consider without expecting the fruits and we gotta tighten again in Guinea repeaters after sometime you will forget wrecking is that if you're seeing Marius keep the peace there are some fundamental trust areas is for then one big domestic rajasic with attachment and is taking the fruits sauce kahramana pooja from the program there is a real number show us create a Alina problem resolution among human we do the boxer for the distillery will notice it you got the ax contract sent like this list of everybody and second two couples everybody notices you everyone musical education nobody sees you may be taking then who does Grand Opera with three they are likely across your Sagara from by a thousand gotham practice of the foolishness self torture other person of tortured in a greeting swim against you talk to yourself and talk to others the car Thomas occurs here then the lastest Dharma then I will be giving away seventeen twenty twenty-one and twenty-two dr. Gilligan salvia piano kakari name we don't get any expectation once again fat pig of amorphous notice without any expectation that of Germany you because capitalism they shake a leg cartridge whoo look at the place where we are giving and the time when you are giving and the person to whom you are today very carefully this is God's optic nah we give the relationship evil who the hell home us to go way to live and without expecting anything in return I am a great donor of the sarcoma so when I come I expect I should have been specially keep it comes naturally goes to the government pays me way me with raja sagara Darla you can immediately say water should be expecting result dripped upon our Arkham follow this Giovanna dearly the colliculus gums and giving reluctantly horrid crucial great solo oh you have something to be able to know ciao I don't bring much money today just to check on the food also come together for the Christian beliefs I now try for me this is because rather sink down and nama sick is interesting are they Shekar that they have bottom-up approach that still be a day he will give it in a place where if you are beginner and guilty a person who doesn't deserve it if that is given in the wrong place and time done with me person without regard or it will gain I have to them a lot of gabon gabonese careless we go to this room table with the disrespect Costigan this is what Thomas ik Donna for this ugly but subtly classic and promises qualities everyone keep it this you and constantly so I end here for the end the mother one tape I have told you all this now I am going to tell you the supreme secret son of Alphaeus on this is 1864 I told the butcher Tom Otterness he plays what are they 9 1 15 20 1860 for this much you're the moment you will attain a great scholar Goethe someone who said about not only booklet on a soluble who shot over 9 1 1520 and 1864 it is the secret of all seekers soon away Karabakh mature I am telling you again I'm telling you poor Judah please listen to me supreme statement why am I telling you he shows him a diminutive of shamanism was so dear to me from a good friend and Sokka you are my disciple and therefore I am Telling You what is good for you these two great locust 1865 and 66 accounted our manager Travis Slocum's shall remain the subpoena the top post will smoke up by following which with everything what are they man motherhood poem of ERG mom novice gurus lobby which is not complete with agave trio see me in the connecting bed 1855 66 this the treatise of the ninth chapter remember this last flying of the dark Ashoka and chapter of a little piece man Managua in whole mine should be focused on me Toby my devotee but yeah be with me mom named Oscar come on board on to me linguistic as below on the positive to the Baked Alaska is realistic so he tells of Trina of July I'm telling you all this because honestly away it is what is this often here asou yeah the boule should vote I wish Karen on trying to find out big homes in something which is good so you don't have the feeling that I am trying to notify myself by saying all this you have the correct standing I am superior from the monta colony should I do it for your own good you'll owe me and then your Sumter and that is why I'm telling you all this I don't think this is the gospel off you will see there's nobody else here and therefore in telling all this you Lydia Tammy it will simply release it there is only touching incident dr. Moore in class for tie it with a end the heart of it Oscar used to go to human report about the hills one day - circuses yeah I was very much labeled upon sir yesterday it was raining heavily and cold wind is blowing I was wondering whether the doorkeeper windows were properly closed so they did not catch cold then n consider course back now that shows my son face oh he is an Englishman how could I send the British Army anyway he was doing it on it maybe so the bottom on because he knows they need screen reality bow down to me Mom Hamas guru mommy delicious even doing this you will come to me sucked em date with the yarn a I swear I promise you that you shall come to me by this do you see your with it here to me and this last 66 with continuity she has this loca Saaremaa turn on the little Jamaican shall remember the home father about it to butchering sorry Martha give up all of the thermal don't worry about everything else come on 400 to me and I will release you from awesome Bart Roger don't bleed or Jenna and then a face is Edom or Yemen Brahma Museum the supreme truth of the Gita the dialogue with Arjuna and Yvonne don't give it to anybody a delivery who does not ask reliable and the person who wrote Easter gita for small militia service chimney digger tomorrow Patanjali the small and get people agree what a potential we have should be a person who teaches to eat devotees and the great devotion and she will come to me and then no other person was dearer than me and in future also there shall be none will be the other than me that a person who studies the Gita himself and teaches it to others and the person who studies the Gita the dialogue in God and man between you and me will take the Lord and Juna this is the galley area yogya great sacrifice of knowledge and like that and intensely please Oh Angela will you listen to my words in front ah its fate has your delusion disappear then Angela says hola and Aleutians totally God and I will do whatever you want me to do let's go home oh ha in the West number 73 the 10th chakra set low volume we go to a more tangible Bible is God can voice your movie actors they reset my we got away gone that is not can come back but master this is faster then from Jo Barker little Sanjay so there is a commentator the Canasta the wine the King wanted to find out what happen in Kurukshetra then because why is some crook Chaitra it will spill across lines of group shelter and from Jarius committee sanjay assist it Massa day was about tuxedo Mahara from bottom in Amma flow from on Bhutan mundo over 17 1874 I heard this great guy love between the Lord and Jonah and I had feel chilled hot appellation is a friend and hold its injection to know from jail also had a divine vision the sequel hopefully see one having a good shape that Piazza Posada Sugawara Hibakusha in greater access I want a divine mission they could see what is happening Yogesh without Krishna Acharya the same the Lord soon you wish for the supreme god of yoga see Krishna of killing mr. Angela hang some sport dismiss work to some part of the normal good on constantly singing about the Kundalini this what is that clear actually on some button the dialogue and keshava citizen Angela roshanda Lulu who invented Lia clear indicating think delighted not just instructor conscripted on a telethon brain hurry dr. Shah is harmed the divine father divine splendor constantly thinking about this destroy only harm garden he found the word Quran I am directed I wonder why I enjoy it again and again allah dis loca 78 this sloka is the answer to the 50 stroke the softest loca from Jaya Bachchan the tracked robot to collect are the ranking lasting he is it easy father father come to the candy colors he is asking some general container Verma create a group creating families are so low Armitage Mangal Osteria give approval India wasn't there I read it back in with the group shape sir Mamata my people is so nasty sons and fund of us I will mother all devotees what will they do what happened meaning who only water working on the last verse say indirectly voting yet wave for a corpse of art order drama dr. Sriram do Google Swami this is not a he directed announcer who won't be more various Yogeshwara krishna is not allowed himself with the issue of yoga his dream yogi and where the bathtub Arjuna with Luther a warrior king warrior Senapati the army jungle their Shri auspiciousness Vijaya victory booty development and ruin et eternal morality will always create that means obviously the told her but OJ Vegas Dharma this is Jay own doctor the DC motor Bhagavad Gita Upanishad su nombre I am yoga country legal subdivision Bobby Oh [Music] so thank you so so very much patiently sitting - this is not easy and all of us have become very dear to the Lord the latest promised time I'm tapped by having the authority to do it including captioned or some people tell me that leg is our you said yourself there is nothing more irritating than the forgiveness and reflection equality the physics so every day we will find new meanings and when you're dealing these people with a purchase Thomas how we're dealing with yourself complete control of sense of detachment and absorption with God and thinking about PowerPoint one supreme reality will grant thank you